All India Rubber Industries Association
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Types of Membership
Types of Membership
Types of Membership
Become a Member (Apply Online)
There shall be six classes of members of the Association.
Ordinary Patron Members
All / any Company which is carrying on the manufacture of finished goods or partly finished goods from Natural, Synthetic, Reclaim Rubber or Latex (Natural / Synthetic) shall be eligible to become Ordinary Patron Member.
Associate Patron Members
Any firm or company engaged in the manufacture / supply/indenting of raw material, machinery or equipment or dealer /supplier of finished rubber goods can become a Associate Patron Member.
Ordinary Members
Any person or firm having an established place of business in India and carrying on or having obtained a licence from the Government to carry on the manufacture of finished goods or partly finished goods from Natural, synthetic, Reclaim rubber or Latex (Natural and Synthetic) shall be eligible to become Ordinary Member of the Association.
Associate Members
Any person or firm having an established place of business in India and carrying on the processing or semi-processing of finished or partly finished rubber goods or dealing in rubber goods or trading as suppliers of raw materials, machinery, etc., to the rubber industry or acting as consultants or advisers - technical or otherwise to the Rubber Industry shall be eligible to become Associate Member of the Association.
Technical Members
Any qualified person residing in India having any of the following qualifications, is eligible to become a member in the Technical Class of the Association.
Any Science Graduate with Chemistry or Physics as principal subject or Engineering or Chemical Engineering Graduate connected with any branch of the rubber industry for a minimum period of two years.
Any person having a minimum of five years’ experience in a rubber factory as a Technician or in a rubber testing laboratory or in a rubber research institute.
Any person holding Licentiateship, Diploma, Degree, Associateship or Fellowship in rubber from any recognised Institute, College or University in India or abroad.
Associate Members
Any Association or Chamber of Commerce in India or Abroad, connected with rubber goods industry or trade shall be eligible to become a member of the Association.